Coming for You

They are coming for me.
All it takes is to be a little different
And to not be ashamed of that difference.
If you don’t hide from them,
They see you as a threat.
Don’t like what they like?
Don’t believe what they believe?
Don’t dress like they dress?
Don’t live like they live?
Then you can’t be allowed to exist,
So fragile is their world.
Any hint of deviating is permission
To see the cracks in their glass house.
It feeds the doubt that threatens their certainty.
Any knowledge of the other is an attack.
Do you think they aren’t coming for you?
Don’t be a fool.
When they are done with me, they won’t stop.
Any difference, no matter how small
Is the same to them.
In an absolutely uniform world,
The slightest variance must beaten down.
They are coming for me, and you.
They are coming for us all.

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