Untitled (I’m drowning in incertainty)

I’m drowning in uncertainty,
I’m a slave to the worry—will there be enough?
Enough time? Enough money?
I recognize the abuse, but find no way out.
There is no protection from the rain.
The fear knocks the breath out of me.
I wish to roar against the sting of threat.
Where is my future?
But the bosses are cloistered against the consequences.
It’s not mere opinion to say this is unsustainable.
How is it asking for so much?
To take care of my health?
To plan for old age?
To be faithful to my promises?
To free my mind and more forward?
Instead, to carry the weight behind me.
What if I get sick?
What is more work goes away?
What if my rent goes up?
Warnings go unheeded.
I’ve already been abandoned.
If they thought I had value,
I wouldn’t be here now.

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