
You don’t like that word?
People used to say “safe, legal, and rare.”
In a lot of ways, any such procedure is a failure—
A failure of the system, and the imperfection of biology—
Not a failure of the woman.
We have a choice.
We can acknowledge reality, try to get closer to utopia,
OR we can deny reality, descend fully into dystopia,
At the root of the denial is that it empowers women,
And to prevent more of them, we need to empower them more,
Not less.
Women need education.
Women need access to contraception.
Women need to be free from violence against them.
Women need healthcare.
Women need to be believed.
Women need to be trusted.
Women having these things is antithetical to male power.
Women are not just wombs whose only purpose is to make babies.
Women are more than just walking farmland
That men get to plow and harvest.
My decisions, like my body, are my own.
You don’t like my choice?
Don’t compel me—help me avoid the necessity.

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