That Sinking Feeling

I’ve had this feeling for a while now,
A sense of foreboding and impending doom,
Of violence on the horizon.
Sometimes, it’s broken by brief moments of an alternative,
And sometimes, I just feel like Cassandra.
No one listens.
We could change, if we collectively wanted to,
But the game is stacked against us.
The dice are rigged.
The dealer is changing the rules as we play.
The breaks come in seeing new ways out,
Flashes of a possible hope, if only,…
And then it is shattered by the unthinkable.
Thing that I worried about, and yet could not predict,
Because you can’t even prepare for your own predictions.
We aren’t listening to the lessons of history.
We are trapped by them, by our human nature.
We denied there was a problem for too long
Until it may already be too late.
It gives “alarmists” no comfort is being right.
The train is picking up speed.
Even if we manage to prevent the crash,
Can we stop the derailment that might be needed to stop it?
I’m just one person worrying.
I fear the future.

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