Color Day 28

This is the last post for the week of “Secret Garden” pages. There are so many more, but we’ll swing back around someday.


I did the leaves in black because a) I love black, b) I was out of green (there is another maze in this book that I did in red and pink for the second reason, also).

I’ve got two more geometry books, and Enchanted Forest by the same artist as Secret Garden. And I’ve got about three pages left to do in a math-y coloring book, which will be fun to share when it’s done. I think I’ll post one of the geometric designs books next.

Color Day 22

For the next week, I’m going to take pages from Secret Garden by Johanna Basford (2013). Some of the images in this book were harder to scan because they spanned two pages, and the pages were too wide to get them all at once in my scanner, so I had to scan the pages separately, and then try to piece them back together in an image editor. If post any of those images, I’ll post the combined image, as well as the two separate panels. For images that took up only one page, then I’ll just post that. The downside of a book like this (and her other coloring book Enchanted Forest), is that I used up a lot of green… and I mean A LOT of green. To the point where I had to just guy extra green pens, and make some scenes “fall” scenes so I could use other colors, and at some point turned lily pads into orange slices.


A little bit of glare on the left, and lots of purple here.